How-To: Simple RPi Display Board (Showcase)
How-To: Simple RPi Display Board (Showcase) The concept: We wanted a simple display board to showcase some of our company brands at my place of work. This would be run from a Raspberry Pi 3 (model b+) and be hooked up to a 40" HDTV. The Pi would be running the standard Raspbian OS image ( ) Initially this was completed using a Chromium extension called "Revolver - Tabs". The idea being that the various brands (websites) could be fired up in multiple tabs and the revolver extension would simply loop through them. This worked fine for about 10 tabs however the transitions weren't great and the more tabs we added the slower things got and the worse the display board looked. The Pi began to struggle so it was time to look for a new solution. Google was my friend here - I ran a simple search (something along the lines of "Raspberry Pi 3 Showcase Display Board"). Introducing FEH. FEH is a sm...